Lianne Appleby is doing a nice job editing Ontario Beef magazine, getting each edition off to a good start with insightful and entertaining editor’s notes. This month she describes Canadian farmers’ Internet uptake to her members, and tries to calm their anxiety about the rapidly growing world of social communication. “Don’t fret,” she says, “even those of us who work in agricultural communications are running to keep up.” That’s for sure. But with her guidance, beef farmers are doing fine — they’re keeping pace with a website populated with several social communication tools, as well as some online stories from the magazine.

I like her light approach and Ontario Beef‘s seasonal cover this month, based on a cartoon (below) by Guelph graphic artist Brandon Denard. Brandon’s also done some great work illustrating the University of Guelph Research magazine and the Advanced Foods and Materials Network Advance magazine.

Lianne is a former agricultural communications student at the University of Guelph. We’re proud of you Lianne!
