Several friends and colleagues have been fortunate to travel to China reccently on exchanges or study tours. And it’s becoming reciprocal — for the next few months, Guelph is hosting a group of professors and other professionals from the Urban Cowboy column in today’s Guelph Mercury. Maybe by working together we can make bigger strides towards global matters such as world hunger. I hope so.
. I think such initiatives are important for deepening our understanding of each others’ culture, which prompted myThe China photos here are courtesy of University of Guelph Prof. Niel Karrow. The top photo is Prof. Dom Bureau (second from right) visiting an aquaculture operation. The calves are from the indigenous species called yellow cattle, which will be the focus of research by scientists associated with the Guelph Centre for the Genetic Improvement of Livestock. This research, led by Prof. Steve Miller, was brokered as a result of the Northwest University exchange.